Newport Wood Carvers
One fine example of the many works created by the carvers.
Wednesdays from 8:00 - 11:00am.
The Newport Wood Carvers is one of largest woodcarving clubs in the area. Read what the Pioneer Press had to say about this group of fine people gathering at Newport Lutheran Church. Wood carvers of all ages and abilities are welcome to participate. New to wood carving? There is always someone reading to help you learn.
There are a wide variety of carvings from wood-burning, to chip carving, relief carving, and detailed hand and small tool carvings as well. Although not technically part of the church, Newport Lutheran is honored to host this group’s meetings.
Curious? Stop in for a cup of coffee and a treat on any Wednesday. You can be sure one of these people will take you in and show you around. It may just be the beginning of a fulfilling hobby.
*For more information, you may email Chuck Schulz, or call him at (651)-356-4458.
Photos: Courtesy Bob Shaw/Pioneer Press